Smartful Growth OÜ - Interim HR Managers
As a Interim HR Manager you'll either our clients build the HR fuction from scratch, review and improve the processes they already have in place or keep the function up and running.
Smartful is a talent and recruitment partner helping companies and their employees reach their full potential. Trusted by a diverse array of businesses across various industries and geographies, we're on a mission to expand our horizons. As we aim to grow, we are looking for experienced HR professionals who would be interested in project based short-term and long-term interim collaboration.
As a Interim HR Manager you'll be smoothly transitioning into our client’s teams to either help them build the HR fuction from scratch, review and improve the processes they already have in place or keep HR function up and running as a business partner to the management team.
Please note that this is a contract based offer, not employment. The projects vary in lenghts and scope. So we are increasing our pool of talent to be able to match our client’s needs.
Why Smartful:
- By joining Smartful you will be part of our team of partners from many fields - HRs, trainers, coaches, etc.
- In our team, people come first - you will have the opportunity to work flexibly and be independent while having a group of experts supporting you whenever you need it.
- You get to work with companies that really want to invest in their people.
- Tightknit team - in addition to monthly office days, we get together for training, team lunches, and other fun gatherings.
You will fit in perfectly if you:
- have 3+ years experience in the field of HR;
- have experience with different stages of the employee's life cycle (recruitment, onboarding, L&D, performance management, reward, etc.);
- have excellent self-expression and communication skills;
- are systematic, independent, and have a "go-getter" mindset;
- are fluent in Estonian and English.
Are you ready to grow with us? I +372 55617100
Pole päris see järgmine karjäärisamm, mida otsid?
Kahju kuulda!
Aga pole üldse hullu, sest meie Chief Happiness Officer Kenya teab soovitada, et kui ühendad ennast Smartfuli talendipangaga, siis saad teavitusi just endale huvi pakkuvatest karjäärivõimalustest.
Ühine Smartfuli talendipangaga!
Teave Smartful Growth kohta
Sinu talendipartner!
SMARTFUL on talendiagentuur, mis sündis soovist panustada töö paremasse tulevikku, aidates ettevõtetel:
🟡 värvata õigeid inimesi õigetesse rollidesse,
🟡 edendades töötajate teadmisi ja oskusi,
🟡 arendades juhtimisvõimet, töökeskkonda ja tingimusi, mida tuleviku töö nõuab.
Pakume inimesi väärtustavatele ettevõtetele personalijuhtimise täisteenust. Lisaks koolitustele, värbamisele ja HR konsultatsioonile pakume ka coachingut, et toetada Sinu isiklikku ja professionaalset arengut.
Seega, kui soovid oma anda oma karjäärile hoogu juurde, siis oled õiges kohas. 🙌
Võta julgelt ühendust:
Smartful Growth OÜ - Interim HR Managers
As a Interim HR Manager you'll either our clients build the HR fuction from scratch, review and improve the processes they already have in place or keep the function up and running.
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