Meconet AS - Productivity Engineer
Meconet AS is an internationally operating and financially stable family-owned company, with over 100 years of experience in the sheet metal business. Over 300 experts are working in Meconet of which around 70 people work in Estonia. Meconet serves its clients throughout the entire life cycle of products, from support in design and proto-manufacturing to efficient serial production.
For example, how does the following week sound: planning and setting up a new automated ultrasonic washing machine line, designing an assembly jig for a multi-million process line, or changing the layout according to LEAN principles of an automatic assembly machine production area to increase the OEE? Sounds interesting? Read more below. ⬇️
Your main responsibilities in this position:
- You will help standardize production processes by focusing on implementing LEAN principles to enhance operational efficiency.
- You will analyze, plan and perform improvement projects with our production OEE software to the production lines and design solutions for existing products and processes to improve factory productivity.
- Your tasks will include researching investment needs of new technologies and equipment, from needs to implementation.
- You’re always on the lookout for improving our manufacturing methods and problem-solving the current production challenges.
- 3+ years of relevant work experience in a similar position
- A bachelor’s or master’sdegree (preferably in engineering or an equivalent field)
- Customer-oriented and collaborative attitude, and willingness to operate with international contacts
- Ability to structure and prioritize personal and team tasks
- LEAN-thinking, continuous improvement attitude, and knowledge of problem-solving tools
- Fluent spoken and written English skills and a good level of Estonian and Russian
Company benefits:
- Travel abroad to meet customers and visit exhibitions
- Performance & result-based bonus system
- Company phone and laptop
- Stebby or another wellness/sport benefit of choice
- Regular get-togethers with supportive colleagues 💙
If you're interested, let us know!
In case of any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at +372 525 0754,
- Valdkond
- Tootmine
- Asukohad
- Tallinn
Pole päris see järgmine karjäärisamm, mida otsid?
Kahju kuulda!
Aga pole üldse hullu, sest meie Chief Happiness Officer Kenya teab soovitada, et kui ühendad ennast Smartfuli talendipangaga, siis saad teavitusi just endale huvi pakkuvatest karjäärivõimalustest.
Ühine Smartfuli talendipangaga!
Teave Smartful Growth kohta
Sinu talendipartner!
SMARTFUL on talendiagentuur, mis sündis soovist panustada töö paremasse tulevikku, aidates ettevõtetel:
🟡 värvata õigeid inimesi õigetesse rollidesse,
🟡 edendades töötajate teadmisi ja oskusi,
🟡 arendades juhtimisvõimet, töökeskkonda ja tingimusi, mida tuleviku töö nõuab.
Pakume inimesi väärtustavatele ettevõtetele personalijuhtimise täisteenust. Lisaks koolitustele, värbamisele ja HR konsultatsioonile pakume ka coachingut, et toetada Sinu isiklikku ja professionaalset arengut.
Seega, kui soovid oma anda oma karjäärile hoogu juurde, siis oled õiges kohas. 🙌
Võta julgelt ühendust:
Meconet AS - Productivity Engineer
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